BUNNYS チアダンスクラブ
BUNNYS チアダンスクラブ
心斎橋・岸和田市・貝塚市・和歌山市で活動しています、BUNNYSチアダンスクラブです。ONE WORLD FESTIVALをお楽しみの皆様に元気と笑顔を届けにやって参りました。
講演 ウクライナ支援を続けて見えてきたもの
人生なんてきっかけひとつ JICA海外協力隊発足60周年特別対談
こんにちは!私たちはカージ・ダンスグループです。カージ・ダンスグループは2017年に結成され、主に大阪の北部で活動しています。このグループは、メヌシュ・ジェイ によって設立され、毎年3月には吹田のメイシアターで公演を行っています。私たちのグループは、イランのクラシックダンスや民族舞踊、そして中央アジアのダンスを披露しています。 本日は、イランの伝統的なダンスとクラシックダンスをご紹介いたします。楽しんでいただければ幸いです。
南国ポリネシア領タヒチに伝わる伝統舞踊のタヒチアンダンスでは「ora オラ」生命を表現する踊りがたくさんあります。今回は命をテーマにしたダンスです。
親子で世界と繋がろう!by Global MOM to MOM
Global MOM to MOM
日本在住の世界53カ国籍の外国人と日本人ファミリーが集う英語育児コミュニティ「Global MOM to MOM」によるステージパフォーマンス。英語や外国人を身近に感じて、親子で世界と繋がろう!
第32回 OWF テーマフォーラム〜今こそ想う みんなのいのち〜
大阪大学教授 西岡英子さんをモデレータに、深刻な人道的危機に直面するアフリカの国々で活動してきたパネリストとして、(一社)在日アフリカ人ネットワークADNJ代表理事 デイビッド・ポンデウ(David KPONDEHOU)さんと住友化学株式会社顧問 広岡敦子さん(2025年日本国際博覧会協会国際局上席審議役)をお迎えしてご講演頂きます。
ハワイアンフラ 同好会
This is the indoor stage programs timetable to be held in the Stella Hall Foyer on the 3rd floor.
Opening Ceremony
①Greeting ceremony(host&guests)
②Joint concert by two singers
(Ms. Yoko Matsuda -Wonder Festival Public Relations Ambassador- & Ms. Yoko Hiduki)
Where Would You Go on a Round-the-World Journey?
Tokotoko Earth Co., Ltd.
A mom who traveled around the world with her family and established a travel agency will talk about the journey to expand children's potential and the future remote Expo experience 'Anywhere Expo with Special Kids.
BUNNYS Cheer Dance Club
BUNNYS Cheer Dance Club
We are the BUNNYS Cheer Dance Club, active in Shinsaibashi, Kishiwada, Kaizuka, and Wakayama. We have come to bring energy and smiles to everyone enjoying the ONE WORLD FESTIVAL.
Sponsored Channel Time
OWF Executive Committee
This is a program that broadcasts commercials from sponsoring companies. It introduces the companies' PR and CSR activities. It is also available on our HP, so please take a look.
The 5th Video Contest Awards Ceremony
OWF Executive Committee
In order to promote and understand the principles of the SDGs, as well as international exchange and cooperation, we invited the submission of videos no longer than 90 seconds that could enlighten viewers and inspire them to take action. The winning entries will be awarded on stage. The submitted works are also available on our HP, so please take a look.
What We Have Learned from Continuing Support for Ukraine
OWF Executive Committee
We will share the truths revealed through ongoing humanitarian support for Ukraine in a lecture accompanied by Ukrainian songs.
Life Can be Changed with a Single Opportunity:Special Dialogue for the 60th Anniversary of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, JICA
Japan International Cooperation Agency Kansai Center(JICA Kansai).This year marks the 60th anniversary of the launch of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV).We will hold a talk event with returned volunteers, introducing the history of the program.Please join us if you are interested in JOCV, and we will talk about what led them to join, their activities in the filed of developing countries, and what they do after returning home.
Persian Dance
Persian Dance
"Hello! We are the Kaj Dance Group. The Kaj Dance Group was formed in 2017 and is primarily active in northern Osaka. This group was founded by Menush Jey and performs at the May Theater in Suita every March. Our group performs Iranian classical and folk dances, as well as Central Asian dances. Today, we will introduce you to Iranian traditional and classical dances. We hope you enjoy it.
Mexican Dance Circle 'Chocolatte'
24 years ago, a circle was formed at the elementary school where our child attended. We use YouTube to teach dance and create costumes.
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Tahiti ora
Iaorana Tahiti
Tahitian dance, the traditional dance of tropical French Polynesia, includes many dances that express life, known as 'ora.' This time, the dance is themed around life.
A stage performance by multinational kids(GMTM) featuring English songs,
dances, and world trivia fun!
Global MOM to MOM
"A stage performance by the English parenting community 'Global MOM to MOM,' which brings together foreigners from 53 different countries living in Japan and Japanese families. Feel close to English and foreigners, and connect with the world as a family!
The 32nd OWF Thematic Forum: Now Is the Time to Think About Everyone's Live
OWF Executive Committee
We will invite panelists who have worked in countries facing severe humanitarian crises to discuss the weight and importance of life, and we will think about 'life' together with the audience.
We will have Professor Hideko Nishioka from Osaka University as the moderator, and as panelists, we will invite Mr. David KPONDEHOU, Executive Director of the African Diaspora Network Japan (ADNJ), who has been active in countries facing severe humanitarian crises in Africa, and Ms. Atsuko Hirooka, Advisor at Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. (Senior Executive Advisor, International Bureau, 2025 Japan World Exposition Association), to give their lectures.
Sponsored Channel Time
OWF Executive Committee
This is a program that broadcasts commercials from sponsoring companies. It introduces the companies' PR and CSR activities. It is also available on our HP, so please take a look.
Performance primarily featuring the ethnic groups of Yunnan, China.
Kobe Chinese Yunnan Arts Exchange Group
Founded by a former professional singer of the Yi ethnic group born in Yunnan, China, we aim to introduce Yunnan minority songs, Chinese songs, and Japanese lyrical songs to Japanese audiences along with Japanese performers.
What should you do if an earthquake or tsunami strikes in Japan? Let's learn and think together with everyone who has come from abroad.
Osaka Bar Association, JICA Kansai, Osaka International House Foundation
In the event of disasters such as earthquakes or tsunamis, I would like to share with everyone how to convey disaster and evacuation information to foreigners and those who are not proficient in Japanese, as well as how to cooperate and overcome these situations together, and important information that everyone should be aware of.
Hawaiian Hula Club
We are active in the Kansai region. Our motto is 'Correctly, Passionately, and More Enjoyably.
Okinawan POPS Performance with Okinawan Shamisen
Shofu Tei with Poplin
The Okinawan Sanshin Unit Shofu Tei with Poplin consists of Shofu and Fuku, who love Okinawan culture and music, with Poplin supporting them with the shinobue and djembe. This year marks their 10th anniversary. They actively perform live in Okinawan restaurants, live bars, senior facilities, and local events, primarily in the Kansai region, featuring BEGIN, Okinawan folk songs, and original pieces.
Closing Ceremony
OWF Executive Committee
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