The One World Festival is the largest international cooperation and exchange event in Western Japan, held annually since 1993. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of international cooperation among citizens and provide opportunities for participation. The festival is organized with the cooperation of NPOs/NGOs, government agencies, international organizations, educational institutions, local governments, and businesses, mainly in the Kansai region.
We host the One World Festival as an event where many people can learn about the importance of international cooperation and experience a sense of solidarity with global trends by highlighting specific actions aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To activate and develop more fulfilling international cooperation activities in Japan, it is crucial to collaborate with NGOs/NPOs, ODA implementing agencies, international organizations, local governments, businesses, and educational institutions. NGOs/NPOs also need to strengthen their organizational foundations and enhance their expertise. Additionally, to broaden the scope of international cooperation activities, it is essential to understand the situations in developing countries and the causes behind them, and consider what can be done to solve these issues through education (such as development education and global citizenship education). Furthermore, to facilitate various forms of citizen participation, it is urgent to build platforms and networks for providing information and welcoming volunteers.
The One World Festival has continued its international cooperation activities through the event.In line with the achievement of SDGs.It serves as a platform where a diverse range of organizations,businesses,institutions,volunteers,citizens,and students-who represent the next generation-gather and connect.We will continue their effort to create society where no one isleft behind.
The 32nd festival will be held again at the 'Umeda Sky Building.' The 'Floating Garden Observatory' on the roof top of the Umeda Sky Building is a popular spot that attracts many visitors, especially from abroad. The collaboration between the Umeda Sky Building and the One World Festival will become one of the largest international exchange and cooperation events in Western Japan even more diverse international atmosphere. Additionally, the 'exhibition booths,' which introduce SDGs activities, will be further enhanced the experience of "seeing, hearing, and understanding", aiming to become "a place" where young people can gather and learn.
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【会場】梅田スカイビル(大阪市北区大淀中1-1-88)アクセス タワーウエスト3階ステラホール、22階会議室、1階ワンダースクエアなど
会場入場無料 雨天決行
【テーマ】 共に生きる世界を ONE WORLD FESTIVAL ~今こそ想う みんなのいのち~
[Event Dates and times] Saturday, February 8, 2025 10:00-17:00 (Candle Night 17:40-20:00), Sunday, February 9, 2025 10:00-16:30
[Place] Umeda Sky Building (1-1-88 Oyodonaka, Kita-ku, Osaka) Access: Tower West 3rd floor Stella Hall, 22nd floor conference room, 1st floor Wonder Square
Free admission to entrance. The event will take place rain or shine.
[Theme] Living together in the world ONE WORLD FESTIVAL ~Now is the time to think about everyone's lives~
[Sponsor] One World Festival Executive Committee
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